
Good Legal App Designs Desktop

8 Rules for Perfect Typography in UI

Dorjan Vulaj

A study shows that 70 % of User Interface depends on typography as it is the best source of communicating with anyone.

Typography plays an important role in User Interface, and improving your typographic design is an important step in improving both UI and UX.

Designing a user interface differs from designing an ebook or blog theme, although the principles of type-centric design still apply technology has evolved a lot, so here are 8 rules for better typography in UI.

💎 Sources/Tools:
1⃣ Create Typography styling and spacing:

2⃣ Free Web licensed Fonts:

3⃣ Fo n t Inspector (find out the fonts used in a webpage)
WhatFont Google Extension

1. Hierarchy

One of the most important techniques for effectively communicating content is the use of typographic hierarchy.

2. Font Choices

Choose from well-known sources, Sans-Serif or Serif are safe choices.
Choose a typeface that works well in various sizes.

3. Text sizing

4. Text Aligned

5. Line Spacing

Line spacing is the vertical distance between lines of text.

  • Aim for about 140%-180% for optimal readability and accessibility.
  • Limit line length to 70–80 characters.
  • Font size should be minimum 16pt. The bigger the screen the bigger the text.
  • Small fonts need more spacing.

6. Letter Spacing

  • Larger type sizes, such as headlines, use tighter letter-spacing to improve readability and reduce space between letters.

  • For smaller type sizes, looser letter spacing can improve readability

7. Color & Contrast

Consider making body text on-screen dark gray rather than black. Screens have more severe contrast than paper, and thus are more tiring to read at full contrast.

8. White Space

White space, also known as negative space, is the area between elements in a design composition. In case the white space is not balanced, a copy will be hard to read.

"Writing articles for people who are in a rush, I value your time, and probably like me, you like reading on the go. Keeping it short so you don't have to skip any paragraph."

❓Do you have any questions? Let me know:
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Good Legal App Designs Desktop


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